Check this space for upcoming events, or browse our past events below.

Youth Assembly on Digital Rights and Safety
We're gathering a diverse group of 39 Canadian 18-year-olds to talk about how you understand, interact with, and hope to change online platforms. We want to hear your thoughts on how emerging digital rights can help promote your well-being, safety, and success online. You'll have the chance to speak with academic experts and policymakers and share your own experiences of the digital world.
Register at

Digital Policy Rounds: Health Communications
Join us for our next#DigitalPolicyRounds event

NEW DATE: Roundtable on Children’s Rights & Safety Online
Although recent progress has been made with the naming of children in Bill C-27, there are a series of additional concerns related to digital privacy, including the use of facial recognition and other artificial intelligence technologies, impacting the potential harm that children can face in their online activity.