Canadian Youth Assembly on Digital Rights and Safety

Digital technologies are an integral part of life for most young people in Canada. This assembly was created to examine how Canadian youth understand, interact with, and hope to change the online platforms they use, including how they envision the ways that emerging digital rights can contribute to their flourishing, well-being, and safety in online spaces.

The Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy and MASS LBP will host a three-day Canadian Youth Assembly on Digital Rights and Safety in the coming months.

The Assembly will directly engage a diverse group of 39 Canadian high school students in dialogue with each other, academic experts, and policy makers, centering the lived online experiences of the members, in order determine how young people understand digital rights, and consider best practices around the world to better inform Canadian legislation. 

The Centre will release a public report later this year outlining the process and recommendations of the Assembly and hold a hybrid in-person and virtual roundtable event to discuss the findings and policy recommendations with policy makers, academic experts, and government officials.

The Canadian Youth Assembly on Digital Rights and Safety is funded by the generous support of the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA).