Our Work

Our research is informed by the power and politics of digital technologies and by the lived experience of those most affected by their rapid implementation and growth.

Our public policy and advocacy initiatives strive for accountable and equitable governance of digital systems.

Canadian Commission on Democratic Expression

Responding to the democratic risks of digital technologies through a three-year initiative in partnership with the Public Policy Forum.

Children and Technology Policy

Understanding and addressing the impact of media technologies on children and youth against a broader data privacy governance agenda.

Climate Justice, AI, and Technology

Informing public and policy debates on the impact emerging technologies have on our climate crisis.

Media and Journalism

Understanding the radical transformation of journalism and news production in the digital economy, and supporting public policies for a healthy media ecosystem.

Media Ecosystem Observatory

Combining large-scale online data analysis with survey research to study how exposure to information (including mis- and disinformation) impacts attitudes and behaviours.

Platform Governance

Analyzing how digital platforms like Facebook, Amazon, and Google increasingly mediate core aspects of our society and how best to govern them.

Surveillance and Privacy

Examining the policy, legal, and ethical challenges posed by the uptake of data-gathering practices by governments and private actors.